where is it happening
"The greatest scientists are artists as well...I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music..."
- Albert Einstein
Thanks to the generosity of sponsors and donors, SPARK! has been able to bring music programs, integrated arts and dance, performing arts, and more, to 16 Fresno area schools. With your help, we will expand this economy-boosting program to even more schools in the future!
Click on the school name below to learn more about how SPARK! is igniting the arts in that community. Our list of SPARK! Schools continues to grow. We are excited to share their stories with you soon!

Aynesworth Elementary in Fresno Unified invested their Spark! grant in new arts experiences for every student on campus, all 630 of them, including folk dance instruction and visual arts. Teaching artist Evo Bluestein taught folkdance culminating in a campus wide Barn Dance. On “Family Art Nights,” the cafeteria is filled to overflowing with parents and students creating art together. Students also collaborated with teaching artist Ritsuko Miyazaki at Clay-Mix Studio to create a school mosaic. Students are engaged and excited about the arts, and our attendance rate is above 95%, one of the highest in the District. --Ermelinda Sanchez, Principal Aynesworth

Balderas Elementary in Fresno Unified turned Spark! funds into a school-wide artistic monument. The stones featured in the monument were created by students, and staff. Every student on campus participated bringing visual art to 659 students. A celebration of the Balderas community spirit, the stone design included integrated social studies lessons and ceramic arts instruction led by Ritsuko Miyazaki of Clay-Mix Studio.

Biola Elementary in Central Unified started a mariachi music program with their Spark! grant. Biola then developed a relationship with the Fresno State mariachi program and did cultural exchanges to benefit both college and elementary student musicians. When the Fresno State Mariachi group played with our students, the students asked them many questions. They asked how long they have been playing, what they were studying in school. Then one student asked,” Are you Mexican? And if so, what part of Mexico are you from?” It was so neat to hear the cheers as they heard the various place they were from, and two of the musicians had ancestors from Germany and Ireland and they cheered for them to! --Wendy Hernandez, Principal Biola Elementary School

Bishop Elementary in Coalinga-Huron Joint Unified has created a new choral program for Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade bringing music to 455 young students. Research shows that music in early childhood significantly impacts reading and math skills and prepares students for academic expense.

Cheney Elementary in Coalinga-Huron Joint Unified has created a new choral program for Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade bringing music to 455 young students. Research shows that music in early childhood significantly impacts reading and math skills and prepares students for academic expense.

Columbia hired teaching artists trained through the Fresno Arts Council to teach visual arts in the primary grades. This collaboration has led to wonderful student artwork integrated with the core curriculum, for example the study of Ruby Bridges in English/Language Arts and Social Studies integrated with portrait painting.

Dawson Elementary in Coalinga-Huron Joint Unified have used their Spark! grant to create a performing arts program where none previously existed. Research shows that students engaged in the arts are three times for likely to graduate and twice as likely to go to college compared to other students.

Freemont Elementary in Fresno Unified made a bold choice with their Spark! grant: arts integration training for every single teacher in grades K-6. This has allowed Fremont to create an elective wheel so that every single student has access to the arts! At Fremont, all 573 students have arts instruction by highly trained arts integration teachers because of their Spark! grant.

Greenberg Elementary in Fresno Unified started a new cultural dance program to meet the needs of their diverse school population. Dance education has been almost eliminated in schools which deprives students of the physical, academic and social-emotional benefits of this arts discipline. Greenberg has brought dance back for hundreds of students!

Huron Middle School in Coalinga-Huron Joint Unified used Spark! the funds to purchase instruments for a brand new Mariachi program at a school where no music program existed. The District provided funded to hire a brand new music teacher! We are so fortunate to have the Spark! grant at our school. In the short period of time that we have been implementing the Mariachi program, I have witnessed incredible growth in our students. One of our special day class students is participating and in a week his discipline issues have decreased to almost nothing . --Javier Gonzalez, Principal Huron Middle School

Kirk Elementary in Fresno Unified is a brand-new Spark! school and will begin a school-wide dance program. The Edison region is interested in bringing more arts & music enrichment to our pyramid as part of a region-wide proposal. The activities in this program will provide many new artistic experiences for our students. -- Principal Charla Manning

Lincoln Elementary in Sanger is a brand-new Spark! school and will begin an art docent program to bring visual arts to their students.

Madison Elementary in Central Unified focused on the development of integrated arts for all students. Instructional coaches partnered with grade level teams to develop and implement integrated visual arts units for 3-6 grades and writing units for Kinder-2 grades. One student shared that she can now express herself on paper using different art tools. Another student was wowed when the class learned about mixing primary colors to create secondary colors. -- Christine Pennington, Principal

McCabe Elementary in Mendota provided recorders and instruction for all of the third graders. The year culminated with a visit to and performance with the Fresno Philharmonic Our students are very motivated, and they eagerly participate in learning how to play their recorder. We do not have any classroom management issues during this time, and the teachers have wholeheartedly embraced the program. -- Yolanda Espinoza, Principal, McCabe Elementary

Olmos Elementary in Fresno Unified is a brand-new Spark! school that will create a student public art project at the school that will honor the social justice achievements of namesake Mario G. Olmos.

Sunset Elementary in Coalinga-Huron Joint Unified have used their Spark! grant to create a performing arts program where none previously existed. Research shows that students engaged in the arts are three times for likely to graduate and twice as likely to go to college compared to other students.

Turner Elementary in Fresno Unified implemented elective classes that integrated the arts into a variety of subjects. Teachers are seeing the importance of the “Arts” and student learning. It is an area that has been overlooked for much time in our district. Students are excited about participating in arts instruction as well as recorder and music appreciation. -- Steve Gettman, Principal

West Fresno Elementary in Washington Union is a brand-new Spark! school that will use funding to create a visual arts program.

Westside Elementary purchased Orff instruments. All of the primary grade (pre-school through third grade) received voice and instrumental lessons from Mrs. Helga Medd, a certified instructor of the Orff-Sculwerk music program. The impact of this project is phenomenal…. The teachers and administration have all marveled at the rapid acquisition of basic musical skills in our students. -- Vicki Tarvin, Teacher Westside Elementary Schoolernandez, Principal